3. International Success Habits Book case of 18


Case of 18 books @ $15.95 per book. Retail price $22.95. International shipping charges are included

This book is one of the most widely used throughout the bariatric community. It’s second Edition – June 2007 features LapBand, Duodenal Switch, Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy WLS Patients as well as Gastric Bypass patients.

Weight loss surgery provides a tool that will serve you well for a lifetime as long as you learn to use it properly. Understanding and following the Success Habits™ Principles will help you reach your target goal weight and help to ensure your long-term weight maintenance.


Case of 18 books @ $15.95 per book. Retail price $22.95. International shipping charges are included

This book is one of the most widely used throughout the bariatric community. It’s second Edition – June 2007 features LapBand, Duodenal Switch, Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy WLS Patients as well as Gastric Bypass patients.

Weight loss surgery provides a tool that will serve you well for a lifetime as long as you learn to use it properly. Understanding and following the Success Habits™ Principles will help you reach your target goal weight and help to ensure your long-term weight maintenance.